This world has a lot of strange things, but there is almost nothing a person would do for getting a sallary. We present you ten of the strangest jobs in the world. Which one you think you would be suitable for?
10. Zombie
Zombies are really popular right now because of books and movies and there are people payd to act like zombies aroung touristical attractions. They get well-payd and don’t need previous acting experience or education.
9. Egg Breaker
A person is hired to smell the eggs in order to see if they are rotten and then to break the good ones and separe the yolk from the white for food production.
8. Chief Happiness Officer
There are people hired to make other people laugh. You may think about clowns, but this one is payd to make happy chiefs or clients from restaurants. The best example is the famous fast food chain hero Ronald McDonald.
7. Worm Picker
The worms people use as bate for fishing don’t just emerge. There is a professional that picks them with his hands. There are a lot of worm farms and this job is usually done at night or during storm, because then it is easier to find worms.
6. Dog Food Tester
There are special persons hired by dog food companies to taste the dog food. We don’t know if humans have the same taste in food as dogs, but apparently some people considered this job is necessary.
5. Gum Buster
This employers use special steaming tools to remove gum stuck anywhere: on sidewalks, street benches and anywhere you can think about. It is a good think they make the city cleaner.
4. Chicken Sexer
This job consists of checking the baby chicks for their sex. The person has to separate the female baby chick from the male baby chicks.
3. Brain Picker
This is a job for the slaughterhouses. You should take it literally, because it reffers to a person that opens the animal’s skull and get the brain out. In some cultures, the brain is considered a delicatesse.
2. Potato Chip Inspector
He looks for defective potato chips and takes out of the bag the ones that are too fried, too fat or broken. He chooses the best pieces for us.
1. Citrus Fruit Colorer
This person is supposed to add as colour as needed to make fruit look natural. He uses steam, gas and other substances to make fruit look juicy.
This world has a lot of strange things, but there is almost nothing a person would do for getting a sallary. We present you ten of the strangest jobs in the world. Which one you think you would be suitable for?